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I was born in Moscow, Russia. It was 1984.

My artistic education is about 8 years of a fine art school.

After 20 years without painting I'd been back to it with full time and mind for creating beautiful and helpful things.

Surprisingly, I came at color and aquarelle on paper through digital painting. My way had turned out, that when decided to devote myself to drawing, I relied on the digital format. Before, I always used a pencil. And, now, in my hands I had got a brand new digital tablet and software, the color joined to my work!

I've always loved aquarelle as a medium and technique, and therefore I have even digital painting in it.

I use neither overlays nor special effects, the software allows me to draw with watercolor effect, observing the traditional execution process. But, nevertheless, from time to time I want to get feeling from the brush, the behavior of the paint with its finest borders, so I added physical aquarelle to my mediums and alternate it with digital.

In any work, just like in my own worldview, aesthetics is very important to me. It is from the beauty of the chosen idea, its execution, ending with the presentation and perception further. Plus I like the completeness of the image, if possible, perfection, such is my etymology here. That’s probably why I leave a clear, backgroundless space.

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